A collection of tools for Foundry Nuke that provides productivity for compositing tasks. Here you are going to find:

If you want to know more, please consider vising the repository.

1. Python Scripts

Scripts and codes using Python language.

Reload all reads

Reload all Read nodes in the graph.

                  def reloadAllReads():
                    nodes = [
                      node for node in nuke.allNodes(recurseGroups=True)
                        if node.Class() == 'Read'
                    for node in nodes:

Reload all Blinks

Reload all BlinkScript nodes in the graph.

                  def reloadAllBlinks():
                    nodes = [
                      node for node in nuke.allNodes(recurseGroups=True)
                        if node.Class() == 'BlinkScript'
                    for node in nodes:

Path Explorer

Open filename's path on the explorer from every selected Read or Write nodes.

                  def pathExplorer():
                    import os, subprocess
                    sel = nuke.selectedNodes()
                    for node in sel:
                      if node.Class() == 'Read' or node.Class() == 'Write':
                        FILE = nuke.filename(node)
                        PATH = os.path.dirname(FILE)
                        subprocess.Popen('explorer "{}"'.format(PATH.replace('/', '\\')))

Write Folder Creator

Creates all the nonexistent folders from the file directory of selected Write nodes.

                  def writeFolderCreator():
                    import os

                    nodes = nuke.selectedNodes('Write')
                    if not nodes:
                      nuke.message('select some write node')
                      return None
                    for node in nodes:
                      FILE = nuke.filename(node)
                      PATH = os.path.dirname(FILE)
                      if not os.path.isdir(PATH):
                        nodeName = node.knob('name').getValue()
                        if nuke.ask(
                          '{0} \n\n {1} \n\n'.format(nodeName, PATH) +
                          'this path does not exist. Would like to create this?'

Set Multiple Knobs

Set multiple knobs from multiple selected nodes. (separate arguments by comma)


knob name first, origfirst, last, origlast
value 1, 1, 120, 120

it define the first and the last frame of all selected Read nodes.

                  def setMultipleKnobs():
                    import ast
                    nodes = nuke.selectedNodes()
                    if not nodes:
                      nuke.message('select some node')
                      return None
                    classes = set()
                    for node in nodes:
                    enumClasses = ' '.join(['all'] + list(classes))

                    p = nuke.Panel('set multiple knobs')
                    p.addEnumerationPulldown('node class', enumClasses)
                    p.addSingleLineInput('knob name', '')
                    p.addSingleLineInput('value', '')
                    c = p.show()

                    if c:
                      nodeClass = p.value('node class')
                      knobName = [e.lstrip() for e in p.value('knob name').split(',')]
                        value = list(ast.literal_eval(p.value('value')))
                        value = [eval(p.value('value'))]

                      if len(knobName) != len(value):
                          "The knobName's field and the value's field " +
                          "must have the same number of arguments"
                        return None

                      for node in nodes:
                        if node.Class() == nodeClass or nodeClass == 'all':
                          for index in range(len(knobName)):

Scripts and codes using BlinkScript language.

Discrete Fourier Transform

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) for frequency domain analysis/processing and spatial-frequency filtering.

                  //defining the type for complex numbers
                  typedef float2 complex;

                  //Calculate complex number's exponential based on Euler's formula
                  inline complex cExp(float a) {
                    return a < 0
                      ? complex(cos(fabs(a)), - sin(fabs(a)))
                      : complex(cos(a), sin(a));

                  kernel DFT: ImageComputationKernel<eComponentWise> {
                    Image<eRead, eAccessRandom, eEdgeNone> in;
                    Image<eWrite> out;

                      bool centerKernel;

                      float N1, N2;

                    void define() {
                      defineParam(centerKernel, "center kernel", true);

                    void init() {
                      N1 = in.bounds.width();
                      N2 = in.bounds.height();

                    void process(int2 p) {
                      ValueType(in) x(0);
                      complex X(0);

                      float w1 = centerKernel ? fmod(p.x + N1*0.5f, N1) : p.x;
                      float w2 = centerKernel ? fmod(p.y + N2*0.5f, N2) : p.y;

                      for(int n1 = 0; n1 < N1; n1++){
                        for(int n2 = 0; n2 < N2; n2++){
                          x = in(n1, n2);
                          X += x*cExp(-2.0f*PI*(w1*n1/N1 + w2*n2/N2));

                      // normalization
                      X *= 1/sqrt(N1*N2);

                      // output
                      out() = X.x + X.y;

Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform

Inverse discrete Fourier transform for frequency domain analysis/processing and spatial-frequency filtering.

                  //defining the type for complex numbers
                  typedef float2 complex;

                  //Calculate complex number's exponential based on Euler's formula
                  inline complex cExp(float a){
                    return complex(cos(a), sin(a));

                  kernel DFTi: ImageComputationKernel<eComponentWise> {
                    Image<eRead, eAccessRandom, eEdgeNone> in;
                    Image<eWrite> out;

                      bool centeredKernel;

                      float N1, N2;

                    void define() {
                      defineParam(centeredKernel, "centered kernel", true);

                    void init() {
                      N1 = in.bounds.width();
                      N2 = in.bounds.height();

                    void process(int2 p) {
                      ValueType(in) X(0);
                      complex x(0);

                      float n1 = N1 - p.x;
                      float n2 = N2 - p.y;

                      for(int k1 = 0; k1 < N1; k1++) {
                        for(int k2 = 0; k2 < N2; k2++) {
                          X = centeredKernel
                            ? in(fmod(k1 + N1*0.5f, N1), fmod(k2 + N2*0.5f, N2))
                            : in(k1, k2);
                          x += X*cExp(2.0f*PI*(n1*k1/N1 + n2*k2/N2));

                      // normalization
                      x *= 1.0f/sqrt(N1*N2);

                      // output
                      out() = x.x + x.y;

Inf and NaN filter

A nonlinear filter, which removes Inf and NaN artifacts.

                  #define isInf(value) value/value != 1 ? true : false
                  #define isNaN(value) value != value ? true : false

                  kernel infNanFilter: public ImageComputationKernel<eComponentWise> {
                    Image<eRead, eAccessRanged2D, eEdgeClamped> in;
                    Image<eWrite, eAccessPoint> out;

                      float radius;

                    void define() {
                      defineParam(radius, "radius", 1.0f);
                    void init() {
                      in.setRange(-radius, -radius, radius, radius);

                    void process() {
                      float current = in(0, 0);
                      float ranged;
                      float result = 0;
                      int count = 0;

                      if(isInf(current) || isNaN(current)) {
                        for(int j = - radius; j <= radius; j++) {
                          for(int i = - radius; i <= radius; i++) {
                            ranged = in(i, j);
                            if(isInf(ranged) || isNaN(ranged)) continue;
                              result += in(i, j);
                        if(result != 0) out() = result/count;
                        else out() = 0;

                      else out() = current;

Median Saturation

Adjust the levels of saturation statistically, using median value.

                  kernel medianSaturation: ImageComputationKernel<ePixelWise> {
                    Image<eRead, eAccessPoint, eEdgeNone> in;
                    Image<eWrite> out;
                      bool AM, GM, HM;
                      float saturation;
                      bool alpha;
                    void define() {
                      defineParam(AM, "arithmetic mean", false);
                      defineParam(GM, "geometric mean", false);
                      defineParam(HM, "harmonic mean", false);
                      defineParam(saturation, "saturation", 1.0f);
                      defineParam(alpha, "includes alpha", false);
                    void process() {
                      float medi, ami, gmi, hmi;
                      SampleType(in) color(0);
                      SampleType(in) result(0);

                      color = in();

                      ami = (color.x + color.y + color.z)/3.0f;
                      gmi = pow(color.x*color.y*color.z, 1.0f/3.0f);
                      hmi = 3.0f*pow(1.0f/color.x + 1.0f/color.y + 1.0f/color.z, -1.0f);

                      if(!AM and !GM and !HM) {
                        float l[3] =  {color.x, color.y, color.z};
                        medi = median(l, 3);
                      } else if(AM and !GM and !HM) {
                        float l[4] =  {color.x, color.y, color.z, ami};
                        medi = median(l, 4);
                      } else if(!AM and GM and !HM) {
                        float l[4] =  {color.x, color.y, color.z, gmi};
                        medi = median(l, 4);
                      } else if(!AM and !GM and HM) {
                        float l[4] =  {color.x, color.y, color.z, hmi};
                        medi = median(l, 4);
                      } else if(AM and GM and !HM) {
                        float l[5] =  {color.x, color.y, color.z, ami, gmi};
                        medi = median(l, 5);
                      } else if(AM and !GM and HM) {
                        float l[5] =  {color.x, color.y, color.z, ami, hmi};
                        medi = median(l, 5);
                      } else if(!AM and GM and HM) {
                        float l[5] =  {color.x, color.y, color.z, gmi, hmi};
                        medi = median(l, 5);
                      } else if(AM and GM and HM) {
                        float l[6] =  {color.x, color.y, color.z, ami, gmi, hmi};
                        medi = median(l, 6);
                      } else {
                        float l[3] =  {color.x, color.y, color.z};
                        medi = median(l, 3);

                      result = (1 - saturation)*medi + saturation*color;
                      if(!alpha) {
                        result.w = color.w;

                      out() = result;


Normalize RGB channels.

                  kernel Normalize: ImageComputationKernel<ePixelWise> {
                    Image<eRead, eAccessPoint> in;
                    Image<eWrite> out;
                    void process() {
                      SampleType(in) n(in());
                      float normal = sqrt(pow(n.x, 2) + pow(n.y, 2) + pow(n.z, 2));
                      if(normal != 0) {
                        n.x/= normal; n.y/= normal; n.z/= normal;
                      out() = n;


Kaleidoscope effect.

                  inline float lerp(float t, float a, float b) {
                    return (1.0f - t)*a + t*b;
                  kernel kaleidoscope: ImageComputationKernel<eComponentWise> {
                    Image<eRead, eAccessRandom, eEdgeClamped> in;
                    Image<eWrite> out;
                      float rot, thetaTile, radiusTile, thetaOffset,
                        radiusOffset, thetaRange, radiusRange;
                      float M, N, cx, cy;
                    void define() {
                      defineParam(rot, "rotation", 0.5f);
                      defineParam(thetaTile, "theta repeat", 4.0f);
                      defineParam(radiusTile, "radius repeat", 2.0f);
                      defineParam(thetaOffset, "theta offset", 0.5f);
                      defineParam(radiusOffset, "radius offset", 0.5f);
                      defineParam(thetaRange, "theta range", 0.5f);
                      defineParam(radiusRange, "radius range", 0.5f);
                    void init() {
                      M = in.bounds.width();
                      N = in.bounds.height();
                      cx = M*0.5f;
                      cy = N*0.5f;
                    void process(int2 p) {
                      ValueType(in) result(0);
                      float theta, radius, thetaOffsetRemap, radiusOffsetRemap;

                      // set angle and distance of pixels to polar mapping
                      theta = fmod((atan2(p.y - cy, p.x - cx) + PI)/(2*PI) + rot, 1.0f);
                      radius = 2*sqrt(pow(p.x - cx, 2) + pow(p.y - cy, 2))/N;

                      // start repetition settings
                      theta *= thetaTile;
                      radius *= radiusTile;

                      // mirror repeats
                      theta = fmod(floor(theta), 2.0f) == 0
                        ? fmod(theta, 1.0f)
                        : 1 - fmod(theta, 1.0f);
                      radius = fmod(floor(radius), 2.0f) == 0
                        ? fmod(radius, 1.0f)
                        : 1 - fmod(radius, 1.0f);

                      // offset's remapping combined with the range
                      thetaOffsetRemap = lerp(
                        clamp(thetaOffset, 0.0f, 1.0f),
                        clamp(thetaRange, 0.0f, 1.0f)*0.5f,
                        1.0f - clamp(thetaRange, 0.0f, 1.0f)*0.5f
                      radiusOffsetRemap = lerp(
                        clamp(radiusOffset, 0.0f, 1.0f),
                        clamp(radiusRange, 0.0f, 1.0f)*0.5f,
                        1.0f - clamp(radiusRange, 0.0f, 1.0f)*0.5f

                      // rearranges coordinates
                      theta = lerp(
                        thetaOffsetRemap - thetaRange*0.5f,
                        thetaOffsetRemap + thetaRange*0.5f
                      radius = lerp(
                        radiusOffsetRemap - radiusRange*0.5f,
                        radiusOffsetRemap + radiusRange*0.5f

                      // remap the coordinates for image length
                      theta *= M;
                      radius *= N;

                      // provide interpolation for intermediate coordinates
                      result += lerp(
                        fmod(theta, 1.0f),
                        in(theta, radius),
                        in(ceil(theta), radius)
                      result += lerp(
                        fmod(radius, 1.0f),
                        in(theta, radius),
                        in(theta, ceil(radius))
                      result += lerp(
                        fmod(theta*radius, 1.0f),
                        in(theta, radius),
                        in(ceil(theta), ceil(radius))
                      result /= 3;

                      // output
                      out() = result;

Super Shape

Provides a parametric shape based on the Superformula so it can be used as a filter in a convolution process or anything else.

                  inline float lerp(float t, float a, float b) {
                    return t <= a ? 1 : t > b ? 0 : (b - t)/(b - a);
                  kernel superShape: ImageComputationKernel<eComponentWise> {
                    Image<eWrite> out;
                      float a, b, y, z, n1, n2, n3, size, rot, falloff;
                      float M, N;
                    void define() {
                      defineParam(a, "a", 1.0f);
                      defineParam(b, "b", 1.0f);
                      defineParam(y, "y", 3.0f);
                      defineParam(z, "z", 3.0f);
                      defineParam(n1, "n1", 5.0f);
                      defineParam(n2, "n2", 18.0f);
                      defineParam(n3, "n3", 18.0f);
                      defineParam(size, "size", 1.0f);
                      defineParam(rot, "rotation", 0.5f);
                      defineParam(falloff, "falloff", 0.01f);
                    void init() {
                      M = out.bounds.width();
                      N = out.bounds.height();
                    void process(int2 p) {
                      float s, t, r, theta, radius, rMin, rMax;

                      s = p.x/M;
                      t = p.y/N;
                      r = sqrt(pow(0.5f - s, 2) + pow(0.5f - t, 2))*2.0f*PI/size;
                      theta = atan2(0.5f - t, 0.5f - s) + rot*2.0f*PI;
                      radius = pow(
                        pow(fabs(cos(theta*y/4.0f)/a), n2) +
                        pow(fabs(sin(theta*z/4.0f)/b), n3),
                        - 1.0f/n1

                      rMin = radius - falloff;
                      rMax = radius + falloff;

                      out() = lerp(r, rMin, rMax);

Super Convolution

Uses Superformula shapes as a convolution kernel.

                  inline float lerp(float t, float a, float b) {
                    return t <= a ? 1 : t > b ? 0 : (b - t)/(b - a);
                  kernel superConvolution: ImageComputationKernel<eComponentWise> {
                    Image<eRead, eAccessRandom, eEdgeConstant> in;
                    Image<eWrite> out;
                      bool sample;
                      float a, b, y, z, n1, n2, n3, size, rot, falloff, kRad;
                      float M, N;
                    void define() {
                      defineParam(sample, "view sample filter", false);
                      defineParam(a, "a", 1.0f);
                      defineParam(b, "b", 1.0f);
                      defineParam(y, "y", 3.0f);
                      defineParam(z, "z", 3.0f);
                      defineParam(n1, "n1", 5.0f);
                      defineParam(n2, "n2", 18.0f);
                      defineParam(n3, "n3", 18.0f);
                      defineParam(size, "size", 1.0f);
                      defineParam(rot, "rotation", 0.5f);
                      defineParam(falloff, "falloff", 0.01f);
                      defineParam(kRad, "kernel radius", 16.0f);
                    void init() {
                      M = out.bounds.width();
                      N = out.bounds.height();
                    void process(int2 p) {
                      float s, t, r, theta, radius, rMin, rMax;

                      if(sample) {
                        s = p.x/M;
                        t = p.y/N;
                        r = sqrt(pow(0.5f - s, 2) + pow(0.5f - t, 2))*2.0f*PI/size;
                        theta = atan2(0.5f - t, 0.5f - s) + rot*2.0f*PI;
                        radius = pow(
                          pow(fabs(cos(theta*y/4.0f)/a), n2) +
                          pow(fabs(sin(theta*z/4.0f)/b), n3),
                          - 1.0f/n1
                        rMin = radius - falloff;
                        rMax = radius + falloff;
                        out() = lerp(r, rMin, rMax);
                      } else {
                        ValueType(in) result(0);
                        ValueType(in) filter(0);
                        float2 M(p.x - kRad, p.x + kRad);
                        float2 N(p.y - kRad, p.y + kRad);
                        for(int j = N[0]; j <= N[1]; j++) {
                          for(int i = M[0]; i <= M[1]; i++) {
                            s = lerp(i, M[0], M[1]);
                            t = lerp(j, N[0], N[1]);
                            r = sqrt(pow(0.5f - s, 2) + pow(0.5f - t, 2))*2.0f*PI/size;
                            theta = atan2(0.5f - t, 0.5f - s) + rot*2.0f*PI;
                            radius = pow(
                              pow(fabs(cos(theta*y/4.0f)/a), n2) +
                              pow(fabs(sin(theta*z/4.0f)/b), n3),
                              - 1.0f/n1
                            rMin = radius - falloff;
                            rMax = radius + falloff;
                            filter += lerp(r, rMin, rMax);
                            result += lerp(r, rMin, rMax)*in(i, j);

                        result /= filter;
                        out() = result;